Goldie and Chairman Meow: their favorite food, activity, and thing about SouthPaw is treats!
Show off those ears, Daisy!
Cap enjoying a rest
Cap and Daisy on the lookout!
Cap is such a handsome boy!
Something else has caught Madison's attention but she isn't letting go of her ball.
Madison checking out her tennis ball
Abby showing everyone how to be a patient and watchful patient while waiting in the lobby.
It's great to hang out with Brock at SouthPaw
Archer cat enjoying a nap on a cozy blanket.
Dr. C showing off a snake skin that her kids found.
Sweet little Sniper already knows how important a remote control can be.
Abbi giving Sniper some snuggles
Sniper snuggling in some comfy blankets after his neuter.
Halloween buckets are great places to explore if you are a cat.
Uno playing with Tyler and Gavin. This was the clearest picture we could get since he was so excited.
Dr. C's cat, Sniper, loves the water and has to be removed from the bath every time it is filled.
Dr. C's cat, Highway, is not so sure about this bath thing.
Dr. C feeding the birds at the Zoo in San Antonio, Texas.
Dr. C and her sister at the Zoo in San Antonio, Texas.
Dr. C's dog, Penny, gazing out the window at some birds.
Interactive technology gives kids a taste of Veterinary Medicine at our Continuing Education event.
Archer has been with Dr. C since 1998 and loves her. He can usually be found on her lap as soon as she sits down.
Poor little Sniper wouldn't leave his incision alone so he earned himself a cone.
Sweet little Chowder snuggling in Dr. C's lap to stay warm.
Dr. C and Sarge hanging out together
Roscoe and his kids coming in for a visit with Dr. C and Wendy
Roscoe and his kids coming in for a visit with Dr. C and Wendy
Remington gives some kisses to our Nurse Wendy right after surgery.
Remington snuggling with Wendy after his surgery.
Harley is relaxing in her kennel while she stays at the clinic.
Harley getting some cuddle time after surgery.
Mystro sent a little Thank You after getting some much needed care from Dr. C.
Fluffy, one of Dr. C's patient's in college, required oxygen therapy for his condition.
Dr. Nagy and Dr. C as a student with Piggy Oink.
A touching Thank You card from a surgical of patient of Dr. C's from college.
Precious Andy after having a tumor removed from his foot.
Fun for Everyone!
Playing in the Obstacle Course is Exhausting
Archer, Highway and Sniper (Dr. C's cats) showing that it IS possible to feed cats different foods.
Our spacious runs give even large dogs plenty of room to hang out during the day.
Loki resting after his dental cleaning.
Calcifer relaxing at home.
Rex getting a pep talk from Wendy so he is brave for his exam
Rex hanging out with Wendy waiting for his exam
Gotta get a little blood sample.
Maggie looking very serious
Serving up the Cake
Fun at the Stuffed Animal Clinic
Fun at the Stuffed Animal Clinic
Future Veterinarian?
Grand Opening - Fun, Food and Friends!
Alex waiting patiently for his treats.
Buddy and Snoop waiting for some treats after being very good for their visit.
Snoop Dog waiting for his turn on the exam table.
Niles (and his human Jake). You both are deeply missed.
Maggie Smith
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