What is the best way to Contact the Vet? Give us a call!
Please be advised that email should only be used if you have a non-emergency question regarding a patient at SouthPaw Animal Clinic or are submitting information requested by our veterinarian or staff. A member of the SouthPaw Team will respond to emails as soon as possible and email is not monitored outside of our normal business hours. Our social media accounts are for entertainment purposes only and are not monitored by a team member. If you are requesting information regarding pricing, a patient, or would like to schedule an appointment, please call the clinic directly as this is the most efficient and accurate way for us to provide this type of information. Our email system is checked periodically as our schedule allows and is NOT designed to be the primary way to contact our clinic staff. We thank you for your patience and look forward to speaking with you soon.
Note: Messages received through email will be checked and responded to as our schedule allows during business hours. If you are looking for the fastest response, or if this is a veterinary emergency, please call SouthPaw Animal Clinic directly at (913) 956-4959.
By law, our veterinarian cannot offer medical advice, treatment plans, diagnosis of disease, or dispense medication without first performing a medical examination of your pet. Price quotes for appointments, treatment plans, and surgery are an estimation based on information provided by the Pet Parent and may change based on physical examination of the patient. Additional treatment costs will be discussed and authorized prior to any performance of services.